Genre: Melanholic Black Metal
Format: mp3 | VBR213kbps
Country: Canada
Size: 125 Mb
1. L’aube 04:37
2. Les forges 15:11
3. Samsara 01:52
4. Igneus 11:21
5. Dil 07:36
6. Moksha 04:17
7. Seizième prière
8. Sem 01:45
9. Une épitaphe de
suie 13:43
10. Nadir 08:45
The album Gris – À L’Âme Enflammée, L’Äme Constellée… (2013) was posted on Friday, July 12th, 2013 at 1:32 pm and is available for download in high mp3 quality. The album belongs to the musical metal genres Black Metal. Please write your opinion after downloading it for review.